Month: June 2017

Opening Up About Mind Matters: Tips for Teen Girls

More than half-way through the UIO series of ten, the new podcast for teenage girls, Episode 6: Your Mind Inside Out was released today.

Timely indeed as the notion of dealing with mental and emotional health becomes more apparent in society.  Back in April, for example, Prince Harry admitted seeking grief counselling twenty years after his mother’s death to avoid emotional collapse.

Other well-known people have talked about the issue, too. But it’s not just the famous who face emotional and mental well-being issues; it’s everyone. And all too often, mind matters are swept under the carpet, owing to stigmas.

Helping to reduce stigmas and speak openly about mind matters are New York Psychoanalyst Dr Jane Goldberg and her daughter Molly. Special guests for the sixth episode of UIO, the duo talk about the importance of communicating feelings and concerns and also shared personal experiences and challenges that have not only brought them closer together, but also helped Molly to navigate her teen years.

Now 23, Molly is studying to become a psychoanalyst, also, while Jane practices in New York and writes books. Author of eight titles, her latest My Mother, My Daughter, My Self is published by Free Association Books.

Check out the podcast here via Souncloud or listen on iTunes, Stitcher, Tunein, Libsyn or sign-up for my rss feed. Meanwhile, stayed tuned for Episode 7: Your Values Inside Out with Jenny Garrett, author of Rocking Your Role.



Let’s Talk About Hair, A Serious Matter

Hair is serious matter, although often trivialised. Seriously!  More times than I care to mention, I have fudged the truth about my weekly standing appointment to avoid losing a contract, a place at the table and all the rest. But that was back in the day.

These days, I’m out of the closet. It’s your lost, if you find it trivial. As for me, I am a winner when it comes to hair because it really matters to me. Hair is not only one of my favourite things, if you can call it a thing, likely because it matters to me style wise and health wise, too.

That’s where Joy Miller, my stylist of a lot of years comes in. A know it all on the subject of hair, Joy talks about the long and the short of it in the fifth episode of UIO: Your Hair Inside Out. Listen on this website via SoundCloud or on iTunes, Tunein or Stitcher.

As the weather heats up, Joy offers hot tips to teenage girls and women, too, to help keep cool about hair all summer.

And after listening, if you’ve still got questions, Joy’s got answers. Email In the meantime, watch this space for more UIO with New York psychoanalyst Jane Goldberg and her daughter Molly on mind matters. They’ve got the mother daughter scoop.

Stay tuned.



A Taste Of Travel For Teens

Nothing like travel to get us moving, thinking, living. And summertime is the perfect backdrop for it for anyone but especially for teens. With many schools already out for summer in the US and those in the UK letting out soon, teens are on the move and rightly so.

During this crucial time in their lives, there is nothing like travel to get them intuitively growing. But there is one suggestion to really spark this growth, let them leave home without you. Really! Yes, read more in my latest Huffington Post blog.

Roll on summertime for a taste of travel for teens.