Do You Know Your World Cities?

I’ve been travelling internationally for years now, long before I moved to London some seventeen years ago. My first stop might very well have been London, or was it Manila, if you don’t count Mexico City. But I do! So never mind where it was.
Anyhow, after returning from Scandinavia earlier this summer, I found myself browsing my photographs over the years and wondered had I truly become a globetrotter. Quickly, I disqualified myself, knowing full well that I have many more miles to travel.
Still I have seen a few places and gained so much for it, so I thought it would be fun and also a tad bit eye opening to share some of the photographs via a game. Thus, I created ‘What City Is it?’.
Click here to play the game and share with your fiends on social media to enter the draw to win a scratch globe to map your own travels. So go on get guessing.