Upon launching the new webpage and survey for my new podcast for teenage girls, UIO: You Inside Out, I’ve talked a lot about what it is and why I’m broadcasting a podcast in the first place.
In hindsight, however, I haven’t said much about the podcast’s origins. Of course, I mentioned the idea for its name, having occurred to me during a run. But what is its anchor, its foundation–unequivocally my Christian faith.
Though I can’t remember a time when I wasn’t a Christian, for about eighteen months now, I have been reading the Bible In One Year (BIOY), a really cool app through my church, Holy Trinity Brompton. Not only the handbook, if you will of Christianity, the Bible is a fascinating read unto itself. I can highly recommend it.
Having said that, UIO is not exclusively a Christian project and in the first of the podcast’s preludes, leading up to the big launch, I tell you why. Available on my webpage and also on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google Plus, the short piece gets to the heart of UIO.
In the meantime, calling all teenage girls to fill out the UIO Survey, also on my webpage and on social media. It’s all about you. For comments, questions, email me at info@myname.com Looking forward to hearing from you.