Exciting Beginnings: Embracing Yourself for a Happy New Year

This morning while waiting for a prescription I overheard an elderly woman ask with reticence, “Is it really 2020?” The middle aged female pharmacist smiled and nodded and touched the lady’s hand lightly, as she signed whatever was before her.
I couldn’t help but smile to myself, having had similar thoughts now for the last nine days. Is it really a New Year. Where has the year gone? What does it all mean?
Lots to think about, yeah? And sometimes the thoughts can get crushed or twisted amid the the hype and celebration, which almost always focuses on resolving to do something or other.
Admittedly, I have never been big on the hype and pressure around making New Year’s resolutions, not because I am a kill joy contrary to some belief, but because I tend to be more of a realist than an idealist.
Instead of focusing on kicking all the bad habits that I have acquired over the year or resolving to fix something in a few weeks that has taken far more time to break, I tend to enjoy the flavour of the New Year, rather than to get bogged down in the pressures of it.
I have always thought there was something exciting about a new beginning, something which encapsulates the tenderness of youth, something which holds promise and therefore, refreshes and invigorates the spirit. And New Years and Birthdays both have such characteristics.
And though I have spent every single day of this year thus far with a horrible head cold, I am somehow feeling refreshed and ready for the excitement ahead, not only for what it means for UIO podcast, but also what the new beginning means for teenage girls.
Last year, we added six new podcasts and interviewed some amazing women on the key issues including empowering girls and we are looking forward to getting out even more stimulating, timely and relevant podcasts this year. Also, I watched stories come in from near and far about girl power, how many of you are excelling in sports, academics and activism and so many of you laid the foundations in 2019 to take on new challenges and influence change for years to come. And that is just the beginning.
Just think what you will have accomplished by the end of the year. I am thinking about what is ahead for UIO, too, but let us not think too long and hard: let’s keep it moving. Otherwise, we’ll be asking ourselves the very question I started this blog off with: Where has the year gone?
Thankfully, it’s only just begun. Forget about those fleeing and self-defeating resolutions. Embrace yourself and have a Happy New Year. For more inspirational advice, check out On Girls’ Rights with Lindsey Turnbull.