Female First Remembers First Novel

Hardly seems three years ago that I wrote my first novel, The Barrenness. Recently, I was explaining to a friend how long it actually takes, at least me, to write a novel or a book. While it might look like I have churned out three books in three years–on the contrary.
As I have said in many interviews, it took me six years to write The Barrenness, considering the entire publication process and perhaps that long again to finish The Blindsided Prophet. As for The Seasons, each short story has been written and rewritten more times than I care to share. After all, the only draft that matters is the final one.
Anyhow, recently in celebration of launching The Seasons, I had the opportunity to talk with Lucy Walton-Lange of Female First about my writing process, and reflect particularly on The Barrenness. Read the interview here.
In the meantime, find out more about The Barrenness, if you haven’t had a chance to read it and read an excerpt here. Like The Blindsided Prophet and The Seasons, The Barrenness is available in both paperback and e-book from most online retailers. Enjoy!