Hot Tips From UIO’s Fourth Most Popular Podcast

It’s week four of our campaign to share top tips from our most popular podcasts. This week, we return to the first ever UIO podcast, Your Confidence Inside Out with Cheryl Grace. As timely as ever, the advice in this popular podcast reminds us of how important confidence is to daily living.
Choosing five top tips was as challenging as ever. Still topping my selection was –Don’t Compare Yourself to Other People. Great advice as we head back to school, back to some sense of normality. Recently, I found myself comparing my post lockdown fashion to someone else’s and just before I went into a slump over it, I remembered that there is only one me. And that what really matters is that I take care of me inside out. Check out the vlog here for all five top tips.
And if you haven’t caught the full podcast, head on over to Itunes, You Tube or where ever you listen to podcasts. Meanwhile, we are less than a week away from the launch of our back to school mini-series, kicking off with Staying Safe At School During the Covid Era, featuring five panellist from experts to students from both the US and UK. Stay tuned!