Looking for Peace?

It’s New Year’s Eve, a day of bidding farewell to 2015 and preparing for 2016, the anticipated year ahead. So what you are hoping to resolve next year?
One acquaintance is going to do bit of saving and another a bit of exercising. As for me, I don’t make New Year’s resolutions as such but I will take this opportunity as I did around my birthday in September, to reflect and project.
And in doing so, I have hope to resolve a few things. One thing I am I am hoping for is a bit more peace in 2016, not only on a personal note but on a public one, too.
Peace, the topic of my last 2015 Huff Post blog, is one of those concepts that seems elusive. Still we strive for it and hope for it, but sometimes perhaps we look in the wrong place. Perhaps it is time to look in what is likely the only place that peace can be found: within. Read more in the Huff Post.
In the meantime, wishing you a Peaceful and Happy New Year.