New Series Launches Second Episode In Timely Manner

Have we got a podcast for you this week! The second of the new series, UIO: On Undiagnosed Mental Illness comes on the heels of the heart-breaking news about the rise in mental health challenges amongst teen girls throughout the country. Released in late August, a study by the University of York and The Children’s Society, suggested that nearly a fourth of 14-year-old girls in Britain had self-harmed in the past 12 months.
Though the podcast doesn’t exclusively focus on self-harm, it does look at what might be happening to cause a sharp increase in the mental health issues among girls. Our guest Eleanor Segall, campaigner and author, agreed that the problem feels a bit epidemic.
Even so, she believes there is hope. Sharing her personal story of suffering with bi-polar disorder, since age 15, Eleanor offers expert advice and first-hand tips on how to cope. One suggestion was to talk to someone at signs of anxiety and stress; don’t keep it bottled up. And for an exacerbated problem, see your GP, she stresses.
Our discussion underscored the importance of parental support as well as that of educators and other adults in society. Also, we discussed stigmas associated with mental illness. And though much progress has been made, there is still plenty of room for improvement.
To listen, download a feed reader and sign up for my rss feed here. Also, listen on iTunes, Spotify, Tunein, Stitcher and Soundcloud and check out our Twitter, Instagram or Facebook page, all @uiopodcast.
UIO: On Undiagnosed Mental joins a significant conversation about mental well-being and is a great tool for teen girls, boys too, and interested adults. Tune in two weeks for a continuation of Series 2 with Hannilee Fish, barrister and entrepreneur, to discuss Rising Above Odds. In today’s manic world, we could all do with a few pointers on that one. Do listen up.