No Time Like The Present

As I write this blog, the present is fleeting, as it always is, fading into the past. Surely, there must be a way to pin it down, make it stay a bit longer. In theory, the answer is short and simple: take life day by day, one experience at a time.
In reality, however, it is far more complex and challenging and can sometimes become counter productive, particularly if trying becomes an obsession, causing the mind to revert to the past and/or project ahead to the future.
This month in my Huffington Post blog, I write about living in the present, particularly during a crisis, a difficult time, for an overall better experience.
Let’s face it: the past has its place and will not be ignored. And the future, a good one anyhow, cannot be attained without some form of preparation and planning. The key is to recognise each experience for what it is or rather when it is for a more precious encounter. Check out No Time Like The Present here and do feel free to join in the conversation on this website, on social media or on the Huff Post.