Real Talk About The Human Condition

The excitement is building for the launch of UIO: You Inside Out, my new podcast for teenage girls. Not only have I had the chance to interview some friends I have known for years, also I have had the opportunity to meet some new fantastic women to talk about real issues that have to do with being a teenage girl.
For years now I have been talking and writing about what is often referred to as the human condition and to be honest it has never occurred to me to that the phrase sounds a bit like the dreaded lurgy or something. No wonder folks don’t want to talk about anything human when it comes to them personally.
And if adults shy away from doing so, I suspect teenage girls will run. So this week, in Prelude Two of UIO, I get a little salty. if you will, not explicit or anything like that, but I am so over sugar coating issues that are just human. Check out the audio here.
And in the meantime, do watch this space for some real talk about what it means to be a teenage girl today. The first episode is UIO: Your Confidence, a talk with Cheryl Grace, most recently named one of the 50 Most Powerful Women In Business by Black Enterprise. And following closely is UIO: Your Body, a talk with Judit Ressinka, my personal trainer of about three years. It’s all real talk.