Treating Your Body As A Temple

By the time you reach your teenage years, you might have heard the quote your body is your temple… hence, the emphasis of taking care of it as such.
Likely this quote originated from the Bible, 1 Corinthians 6:19: What? Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? (KJV).
Makes sense, certainly for those of Christian faith, but even for those who are not, the concept of the body being a temple just might be good enough reason to treat it as the precious entity it is, regardless of who you believe it belongs to—you or God.
On that note, I am excited to release the second episode of UIO: Your Body Inside Out, featuring my former personal trainer Judit Ressinka, who gives endless advice on making lifestyle changes that will serve you now and later.

That’s right; there are no gimmicks here, just straight talk about the importance of taking care of your body for the purpose of living life now to the fullest while setting up for the best possible future, too.
Although there is something to be said about the avocado, for example, its healthy benefits and all, Judit points out much to my relief that there is nothing wrong with a good burger or a slice of pizza either, as long as they have the right ingredients. That is key—all ingredients aren’t equal. Surprise! Surprise!
Listen now on Soundcloud, Stitcher or TuneIn or subscribe to my RSS feed (see sidebar). And if you have an Apple device, go straight to the iTunes store and search UIO: Your Body Inside Out. It is all good stuff and v timely, too.
Enjoy and remember to send your questions, feedback and suggestions to Remember it is UIO.